Sign us up for April Pools Day!

April is Learn2Swim month! According to Poolwerx, drowning is the leading cause of accidental passing for children under the age of five. Poolwerx is committed to changing this outcome by providing free trial swim lessons to children 5 and younger ($30 value!) at participating Goldfish Swim School locations.

To sign up your kiddos, just head to the Powerwerx website anytime between now and April 30th, scroll down to the “Request a Lesson” form and fill out your name, address, email, and phone number. By checking that you agree to be contacted, a participating swim school will reach out with a location near you and you’ll then just want to be sure to redeem your free lesson by July 31st.

Note that this free lesson offer is valid for children 5 and younger. Across 30 states and Canada, there are 125 Goldfish Swim School locations with plans of expanding to more than 125 new locations. This means there is likely a location near you.

Make easy and cheap homemade Swimmer’s Ear Drops!

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